We are pleased to make available free of charge to children, parents, teachers and all those who want to make Jesus known and loved, the 80 texts of « 1,2,3 Story time – Gospel told to children « .
All these texts were written by Françoise Zanellato and reviewed by several pastors and teachers.
Children will find answers to their questions about God, Jesus, heaven, the Bible, salvation… They are encouraged to live the teachings of Jesus and to have a personal relationship with Him. To facilitate the understanding of the biblical text, these stories have been written in simple vocabulary and information on the biblical cultural context has also been included. Parents and teachers will find encouragement and guidance for evangelising and teaching children.
In this book we present the stories of creation, the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the promise of a Saviour, the life of Jesus (65 Gospel stories) and the beginnings of the Church and the evangelisation of the world (Acts of the Apostles). This provides you with a complete programme of God’s plan of salvation for all people and children. The list of topics with biblical references and contents is given in the table of contents.
Cette émission est aussi disponible en Podcast !

Each chapter consists of 4 parts:
- THE INTRODUCTION with a question which the child is invited to answer
- THE STORY with biblical truths about God, Jesus, man, salvation…
- “AND YOU AND ME”: the child is challenged directly; this is the practical application
- § “AND WE THE PARENTS”: advice, encouragement is given to parents, monitors, teachers…
Advice to parents and monitors on how to prepare and run a time of exchange and sharing with the children:
- You choose a few songs related to the story
- Either you read the story or you use it as inspiration to tell it, adapting it to the age of the children. The same applies to the practical application (part: “AND YOU AND ME”)
- After the story, you answer and/or ask the children questions about the story and the lessons learned. This way you make sure they have understood
- Depending on their age, you develop one or two points in particular that you think are relevant to their situation
- § To enrich the moment of prayer and praise, you suggest topics related to the theme of the day and their specific needs.
We are grateful to all those who volunteered for the project « 1,2,3 Story time, Gospel told to children ».
Special thanks to the illustrators1 who gave us permission to use their illustrations free of charge. You may print these texts for yourself or as gifts, but the principle of free use must be maintained and any reproduction for commercial purposes is forbidden.
On our website www.123raconte.com you will find videos, audio recordings and slide shows of the 80 stories in French as well as the texts in English, Spanish, Russian…
Time is short, the Lord is coming back
Let us sow the Word of God in the hearts of the young and the old
- English (82)
- Español (82)
- Français (82)
- Livres (5)
- Podcast en Français (80)
- Tables des matières (3)
- Русский (1)
- اردو (1)