53. The man who says thanks to Jesus

Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told « where is the magic word? Does ring a […]

60. La parabole des talents

Lors de notre précédente émission, nous avons parlé du retour de Jésus. Peut-être que te demandes-tu quand est-ce que cela va arriver, dans un an, deux ans, plus, moins… Nous ne pouvons pas le savoir puisque Jésus ne l’a pas dit. Par contre, Il a raconté une petite histoire, une parabole, que nous allons découvrir […]

52. The resurrection of Lazarus

Do you remember Martha and Mary, these two sisters who so loved to receive Jesus in their house? While Martha was preparing food, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen to him. In this family there was also Lazarus, their brother; all three were close friends of Jesus and yet, one day, […]

59. Le retour de Jésus

Aimes-tu savoir à l’avance ce qui va se passer ? Certainement ! Tu peux te préparer, te réjouir ou être inquiet, avoir peur. Bref, on est tous un peu pareils, on est curieux et des fois, pour savoir, on insiste. – Dis-moi, dis-moi…! Concernant notre avenir, c’est différent. Dieu nous avertit de ne pas chercher […]

51. Forgiving

Today we are going to talk about forgiveness. You have already had the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from your father, your mother, or your friend and you were glad they forgave you and forgot what had happened. Now let’s say it’s a friend of yours who did something wrong towards you. You have a […]

58. Zachée, l’homme qui se cache

Au travers des récits de l’Evangile, nous apprenons à mieux connaitre Jésus. Nous sommes maintenant dans la dernière semaine de sa vie sur la terre. C’est le moment d’aller à Jérusalem pour la fête de la Pâque et Jésus doit passer par Jéricho. Jéricho ! Tu te souviens ? C’est là qu’il a guéri un […]

50. Mary wants to listen to Jesus

Lately disturbing things have taken place in Noa and Alicia’s middle school. They have decided to tell their parents about it. – Dad is home, so much the better! Said Noa to himself, we’re going to be able to tell him, I would like to know what he thinks about it. But before they had […]