75. A lame man who jumps for joy

On Ascension Day, you may not be going to school because it is a public holiday in many countries, but what happened that day? Do you remember? Jesus returned to heaven; that’s why we can’t see Him. But do you know He continues to act? He hasn’t changed: what He did when He was on […]
65. The last Passover of Jesus

We are going to find Jesus and his disciples who are gathered for the feast of Passover. Everything is ready and it smells like roast lamb. But do you know why the Jews have a Passover feast? We are far from the chickens and chocolate bunnies you know. You might not know, so I’ll tell […]
63. Jesus in the temple

In our last talk, we spoke about the triumphal arrival of Jesus with the crowd of pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast. Today we find him in the temple where incredible things are happening that will make Him angry. Yes! You heard right, Jesus is going to get angry. But fortunately, other […]
57. Jericho, the city of palm trees

Have you ever heard of the city of palm trees, one of the oldest cities in the world? Today’s history will take us there. Imagine a city in the middle of the desert. After an exhausting journey in a dry landscape, arid, under an overwhelming heat, the travelers discover a pretty city in a green […]
26. Et toi… comment tu fais pour prier ?

Le Notre Père est la prière que Jésus a enseignée à ses disciples qui avaient bien compris que prier c’est important, mais qui ne savaient pas comment faire. Aujourd’hui, nous avons invité deux enfants dans le studio, nous les appellerons Léa et Paul. Pourquoi sont-ils venus ? Parce qu’ils ont des choses à nous dire […]