60. The parable of talents

Our previous talk was about the return of Jesus. Maybe you are you wondering when this is going to happen, in a year, two years, more, less… We cannot know it since Jesus did not say it. However, He told a little story, a parable, that we are going to discover now and that you […]

60. La parabole des talents

Lors de notre précédente émission, nous avons parlé du retour de Jésus. Peut-être que te demandes-tu quand est-ce que cela va arriver, dans un an, deux ans, plus, moins… Nous ne pouvons pas le savoir puisque Jésus ne l’a pas dit. Par contre, Il a raconté une petite histoire, une parabole, que nous allons découvrir […]

46. Who will participate in this great party?

You certainly have friends and you like to be them. You invite them for your birthday; you want them all to be there on “D” day. There will also be your parents, your brothers and sisters, grandpas and grannies, well… everyone you love. Your mom bakes cakes, prepares drinks, you decorate the house and you […]