68. Why does he not defend himself ?

Listen to what happened to Yoan. – It’s not me, Dad! I assure you it’s not my fault! It’s not me! – I was told it’s you, you will be punished! – It’s not true. I’m telling you it’s not me! It’s not fair! Yoan is very angry. They are accusing him falsely. He defended […]
67. Is he going to stand strong?

– I will never leave you! I will never give up on you! You can rely on me. I will always be there! Have you ever heard that? Maybe you’ve said it? We can think we are strong but it’s not an easy job. So, it’s a disappointment. We feel bad. Well, when it comes […]
65. The last Passover of Jesus

We are going to find Jesus and his disciples who are gathered for the feast of Passover. Everything is ready and it smells like roast lamb. But do you know why the Jews have a Passover feast? We are far from the chickens and chocolate bunnies you know. You might not know, so I’ll tell […]