28. Have they forgotten Jesus?

“In life, there are… the good times and the bad ones!” Do you know that? I prefer the good ones but I have had some difficult times. Do you know this expression « the storms of life »? Ah! The storms of life are something other than the little worries! We are talking about really very difficult […]
12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]
01. Can we compare God to a sheperd ?

In this special “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME” series for children and parents, we tell stories from the Bible and focus upon important questions that each and everyone of us may ask.For example: What is God like?Can we know him? Can I talk to him? Does heaven exist? Who is Jesus? Today, our theme is: […]