79. Will they all perish in this shipwreck?

We find the apostle Paul who has traveled thousands of kilometers to announce the Gospel. He went to Syria, Turkey, Greece, and now wicked men had him jailed. They want to sentence him to death. Paul, who is a Jew but also a roman citizen asks to be tried by the Emperor of Rome. Do […]
74. What happened on pentecost day?

Throughout our talks, we have followed Jesus when He lived on earth as well as the disciples, Philip, Peter, Thomas and the others. Today we will find the disciples again but Jesus is no longer with them, he has returned to heaven. What are they doing now? Have they taken the boats to go fishing […]
30. Is Jesus attentive to those who suffer?

Do you remember: What filled Jesus with admiration? Yes, it’s the faith of a Roman officer. We listened to this story on our last talk. Jesus said: « I have never seen such great faith” and of course, he answered the prayer of this officer by healing his sick servant. Having faith in Jesus, believing in […]