64. A lesson that will not be forgotten

Are you going to school right now? Yes? No? You may be in vacation? One thing is certain, you continue to learn! Indeed! You go on learning all our life. There is always something new to discover. It is exciting! Do you know that Jesus’ disciples also went to school? Yes, their teacher, their teacher […]
56. How to get to heaven?

Today we are going to meet a young man who comes to Jesus with a very important question. He wants to know how to deserve a place in heaven. It’s rather interesting, isn’t it? He thinks he’s doing everything right but let’s see what Jesus replies to him. You will find this account in chapter […]
39. Qui est le plus grand dans le Royaume de Dieu ?

Aujourd’hui, nous allons retrouver les disciples. Ils sont en train de se disputer. Pourquoi ? Pour savoir qui est le plus grand parmi eux. Est-ce que c’est Pierre, Jacques, Jean ? Qui aura la meilleure place quand Jésus sera roi ? Bien sûr, ils ne sont pas d’accord. Ils veulent tous être les premiers. Mais […]
39. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of God?

Today we will meet the disciples; they are arguing. What are they arguing about? To find out who is the greatest among them. Is it Peter, James, John? Who will have the best seat when Jesus is King? Of course they don’t agree, they all want to be first. But in reality, it is the […]
31. How can you build your life well?

Today we are going to talk about construction. Construction of what? A bridge, a plane? No, not really. A construction that concerns us all and must be successful. Do you have an idea? Yes, the construction of our life. It may seem a bit complicated but to help you to see more clearly, we will […]
26. And you… how do you do to pray?

Our Father is the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples who understood that praying is important, but who didn’t know how to do. Today we have invited two children to the studio, we will call them Lea and Paul. Why did they come? Because they have things to tell us about prayer and they […]
22. What is important to Jesus?

If I ask you how your day was yesterday, you might say: – What a strange question? Absolutely, it is likely that there was little difference between today and yesterday no big changes, or big surprises. We are going to look at a typical day in the life of Jesus when He was on earth. […]
17. Who will be the strongest, Jesus or the devil?

On our last show, we talked about Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River. Speaking of this, what happened at the moment when Jesus came out of the water? Do you remember that Heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven was heard? This […]
16. What is baptism?

In our last program, we told about Jesus when He was a child, what He was like, what He did, how He lived and His first visit to the temple in Jerusalem. Do you remember how old He was? Twelve years old. In our story today, we’re going to speak about Him again, but this […]
11. Is everything ready for the birth of Jesus?

During our last show, we talked about the angel Gabriel announcing that God had chosen Mary to be the mother of Jesus. This baby was not just any baby, for He was the promised Savior, the Son of the greatest of all kings, the Son of God. Mary lived with Joseph in the small town […]