77. The apostle Paul, who was he?

We have often spoken of the apostles, Matthew, Peter, John, James, but there is one we’ve never talked about. It is the apostle Paul. Do you know his story? Do you know how he became an apostle of Jesus? This is what we are going to tell you. Paul is his name in Latin, but […]
67. Is he going to stand strong?

– I will never leave you! I will never give up on you! You can rely on me. I will always be there! Have you ever heard that? Maybe you’ve said it? We can think we are strong but it’s not an easy job. So, it’s a disappointment. We feel bad. Well, when it comes […]
53. The man who says thanks to Jesus

Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told « where is the magic word? Does ring a […]
44. Who is my neighbor?

Do you think it is important to obey God? Yes? No? In any case, that’s what he expects from us. Here is the First Command he gave us: – You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. And what about the Second Commandment, […]
09. Does God keep his promises?

Today we are going to talk about promises. Has anyone ever made a promise to you? I suppose so! And you, have you already done so? Certainly! We’ve all done it, and I don’t know if you’re like me, but I like people to keep the promise that they made to me. Something promised is […]