65. The last Passover of Jesus

We are going to find Jesus and his disciples who are gathered for the feast of Passover. Everything is ready and it smells like roast lamb. But do you know why the Jews have a Passover feast? We are far from the chickens and chocolate bunnies you know. You might not know, so I’ll tell […]
01. Can we compare God to a sheperd ?

In this special “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME” series for children and parents, we tell stories from the Bible and focus upon important questions that each and everyone of us may ask.For example: What is God like?Can we know him? Can I talk to him? Does heaven exist? Who is Jesus? Today, our theme is: […]
01. Dieu, serait-il un berger ?

Dans cette série d’émissions 1, 2, 3 Raconte spéciales pour les enfants et les parents, nous racontons des histoires de la Bible et nous réfléchissons ensemble sur des questions importantes que chacun et chacune peut se poser. Par exemple : – Dieu, comment est-Il ? Est-ce qu’on peut Le connaitre ? Est-ce que je peux […]