45. What is the hypocrisy?

– You are a hypocrite! – Have you ever heard that expression? Usually whoever says that is very angry. But, what is hypocrisy? A mistake, a lie, a deception? – Do you think it is serious to be a hypocrite? Yes? No? Today we are going to see how Jesus reacted to hypocritical people. We […]
45. L’hypocrisie, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Tu es un hypocrite ! As-tu déjà entendu cette expression ? Généralement celui qui dit cela est très fâché. Mais, qu’est-ce que c’est l’hypocrisie ? Une erreur, un mensonge, une tromperie ? A ton avis, c’est grave d’être hypocrite ? Oui ? Non ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons voir comment Jésus a réagi devant des gens […]
24. Can Jesus forgive sins?

In our programs, we share Gospel stories with you. How Jesus went through towns and villages to bless all those who came to Him. Today, we are going to talk about forgiveness, healing, sin and disobedience. Sin cannot be seen, but it is a little like an illness. It is not the body that is […]