40. Did Jesus take care of the children?

One day, some mothers brought their children to Jesus to be blessed by Him. Do you know what happened? Unbelievable! The disciples began to send them away. – Go away, go away, go away; go away, we don’t bother Jesus for kids! Fortunately, Jesus saw them. He called them back, took them in His arms […]
39. Qui est le plus grand dans le Royaume de Dieu ?

Aujourd’hui, nous allons retrouver les disciples. Ils sont en train de se disputer. Pourquoi ? Pour savoir qui est le plus grand parmi eux. Est-ce que c’est Pierre, Jacques, Jean ? Qui aura la meilleure place quand Jésus sera roi ? Bien sûr, ils ne sont pas d’accord. Ils veulent tous être les premiers. Mais […]
36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]
28. Auraient-ils oublié Jésus ?

– Dans la vie, il y a … les bons moments et les moins bons ! Tu as entendu ça ou tu l’as peut être déjà dit. Moi, je préfère les bons mais j’ai connu des moments difficiles. Connais-tu cette expression « les tempêtes de la vie » ? Ah ! Les tempêtes de la […]
12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]