66. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

In this special “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME” series for children and parents, we tell stories from the Bible and focus upon important questions that each and everyone of us may ask.For example: What is God like?Can we know him? Can I talk to him? Does heaven exist? Who is Jesus? Today, our theme is: […]
45. What is the hypocrisy?

– You are a hypocrite! – Have you ever heard that expression? Usually whoever says that is very angry. But, what is hypocrisy? A mistake, a lie, a deception? – Do you think it is serious to be a hypocrite? Yes? No? Today we are going to see how Jesus reacted to hypocritical people. We […]
05. Who made God? Who is He? Where is He?

In our first four talks “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, we saw that God is the origin of life. He created everything and everything He did was perfect. But Him… God, who made Him? What is he like? Where is He? These are questions we can ask ourselves. We will now provide some answers. I […]