69. ¿Por qué murió Jesús?

Seguramente has visto en un museo, en un libro o en una iglesia, una pintura que representa a Jesús en la cruz. ¿Cómo reaccionaste? ¿Qué significa para ti la muerte de Jesús? ¿Qué puede cambiar esto en tu vida? Estas son preguntas a las que responderemos. Presta mucha atención. En esta historia, encontrarás algunas personas […]
71. Believe, a little, a lot or not at all?

2000 years ago, there were neither magazines nor news on TV? So how did people come to learn the news, the current events? Well! Quite simply, everyone was saying what they knew. So imagine! During the feast of the Passover, in addition to the inhabitants of the city, there are had thousands of pilgrims in […]
69. Why did Jesus die?

You have certainly seen in a museum, in a book, or in a church, a painting depicting Jesus on the cross. How did you react? The death of Jesus, what does this mean to you? What can this change in your life? These are questions to which we will answer. Pay close attention. In this […]
69. Pourquoi Jésus est-il mort ?

Bonjour les garçons, bonjour les filles, Bonjour les parents et tous les amis, Aujourd’hui, c’est notre 69ème émission 1,2,3Raconte, pour vous les enfants mais aussi pour les parents et les amis. Tu as certainement vu dans un musée, dans un livre, ou dans une église, un tableau représentant Jésus sur la croix. Comment as-tu réagi […]