34. How can you reach your goal when you are very afraid?

If I tell you F.E.A.R., does that mean anything to you? Yes, FEAR! Fear, panic, you certainly have experienced it? Haven’t you? Have you ever been afraid? You know, sometimes because we are afraid we cannot do what we want to do, we can no longer move forward. We do not succeed in reaching our […]
33. Pourquoi ce garçon ne mange-t-il pas son repas ?

Nous continuons notre découverte de l’Évangile ; ce que fait Jésus, ce qu’Il dit mais aussi ce que font les gens et les enfants qui Le rencontrent. Aujourd’hui, Françoise va nous emmener vivre une aventure bien particulière. Imagine un garçon qui se trouve au milieu d’une foule immense de 15 000, peut être 20 000 […]
33. Why doesn’t this boy eat his meal?

We continue our discovery of the gospel; what Jesus does, what he says but also what the people and children who meet him do. Today, we will take you on a very special adventure. Imagine a boy who is in the middle of a huge crowd of 15,000, maybe 20,000 people in full campaign. What […]
30. Is Jesus attentive to those who suffer?

Do you remember: What filled Jesus with admiration? Yes, it’s the faith of a Roman officer. We listened to this story on our last talk. Jesus said: « I have never seen such great faith” and of course, he answered the prayer of this officer by healing his sick servant. Having faith in Jesus, believing in […]
30. Jésus serait-il attentif à ceux qui souffrent ?

Te souviens-tu : Qu’est-ce qui a rempli Jésus d’admiration ? Oui, c’est la foi d’un officier romain. Nous avons écouté cette histoire dans notre dernière émission. Jésus a dit : « Je n’ai jamais vu une aussi grande foi » et bien sûr, Il a répondu à la prière de cet officier en guérissant son […]
29. What filled Jesus with admiration?

I don’t know if you would have liked to live in Jesus’ time, in any case, those who followed him saw extraordinary miracles. They were amazed by the power of Jesus, his authority over sickness and even over nature. Do you remember that violent storm on the lake? The disciples were about to lose their […]
29. Qu’est-ce qui a rempli Jésus d’admiration ?

Je ne sais pas si tu aurais voulu vivre à l’époque de Jésus, en tout cas, ceux qui Le suivaient ont vu des miracles extraordinaires. Ils étaient émerveillés par Sa puissance, Son autorité sur la maladie et même sur la nature. Tu te souviens de cette violente tempête sur le lac ? Les disciples étaient […]
28. Have they forgotten Jesus?

“In life, there are… the good times and the bad ones!” Do you know that? I prefer the good ones but I have had some difficult times. Do you know this expression « the storms of life »? Ah! The storms of life are something other than the little worries! We are talking about really very difficult […]
28. Auraient-ils oublié Jésus ?

– Dans la vie, il y a … les bons moments et les moins bons ! Tu as entendu ça ou tu l’as peut être déjà dit. Moi, je préfère les bons mais j’ai connu des moments difficiles. Connais-tu cette expression « les tempêtes de la vie » ? Ah ! Les tempêtes de la […]
27. What is perseverance?

During our last program, Franck welcomed Paul and Léa. Do you remember what Lea told us? “I would like God to answer me right away”. You may say it too? It’s true that God doesn’t always respond right away so … what do we do? Do we stop praying? Do we get discouraged? It can […]