49. What happens after death?

I don’t know if you’re like me but for a long time I wondered if hell really existed. When I was in school, we sometimes talked about it with boys and girls. There were some who said existed and others that it was a made-up story. In any case, me, I was scared, but […]
48. The angels are in joy, why?

In our previous issue, we talked about angels. Paul and Leah asked Françoise questions concerning those who have rebelled against God, Satan and the demons, and those who serve God. One day Jesus talked to the crowd that surrounded him. He told a little story, a parable and he revealed what happens in heaven, what […]
45. What is the hypocrisy?

– You are a hypocrite! – Have you ever heard that expression? Usually whoever says that is very angry. But, what is hypocrisy? A mistake, a lie, a deception? – Do you think it is serious to be a hypocrite? Yes? No? Today we are going to see how Jesus reacted to hypocritical people. We […]
42. The rebel child

Do you remember that I promised you the story of a rebellious child who turned his back on his dad? After much difficulty, he decides to come back, but will his father welcome him? Will he accept him despite all the suffering he caused him? Will he forgive him? This is what we’re going to […]
40. Did Jesus take care of the children?

One day, some mothers brought their children to Jesus to be blessed by Him. Do you know what happened? Unbelievable! The disciples began to send them away. – Go away, go away, go away; go away, we don’t bother Jesus for kids! Fortunately, Jesus saw them. He called them back, took them in His arms […]
36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]
31. How can you build your life well?

Today we are going to talk about construction. Construction of what? A bridge, a plane? No, not really. A construction that concerns us all and must be successful. Do you have an idea? Yes, the construction of our life. It may seem a bit complicated but to help you to see more clearly, we will […]
26. And you… how do you do to pray?

Our Father is the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples who understood that praying is important, but who didn’t know how to do. Today we have invited two children to the studio, we will call them Lea and Paul. Why did they come? Because they have things to tell us about prayer and they […]
21. Will Peter continue his trade as a fisherman?

This is our second talk “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, our special program for you kids but also for adults, because the Gospel is good news for everyone. Yes for all! Do you know what Jesus was saying? – Come, come to me, come all, even you who are tired, sick, I will relieve you, come because […]
19. Where does this good wine come from?

Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael… that means something to you. Yes! These are the first four disciples of Jesus. In our last talk we saw how they met Jesus and how immediately they wanted to follow him. John the Baptist had told them: – Look, he is the Lamb of God, the promised savior. But for […]