69. Why did Jesus die?

You have certainly seen in a museum, in a book, or in a church, a painting depicting Jesus on the cross. How did you react? The death of Jesus, what does this mean to you? What can this change in your life? These are questions to which we will answer. Pay close attention. In this […]
68. Why does he not defend himself ?

Listen to what happened to Yoan. – It’s not me, Dad! I assure you it’s not my fault! It’s not me! – I was told it’s you, you will be punished! – It’s not true. I’m telling you it’s not me! It’s not fair! Yoan is very angry. They are accusing him falsely. He defended […]
62. A triumphal arrival

Have you seen any reports on the coronation of a king, or the visit of a head of state, of a president? The crowds come to cheer him. Journalists surround him. He arrives in a coach or a beautiful car, the red carpet is rolled out before him. He will make a speech and will […]
51. Forgiving

Today we are going to talk about forgiveness. You have already had the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from your father, your mother, or your friend and you were glad they forgave you and forgot what had happened. Now let’s say it’s a friend of yours who did something wrong towards you. You have a […]
39. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of God?

Today we will meet the disciples; they are arguing. What are they arguing about? To find out who is the greatest among them. Is it Peter, James, John? Who will have the best seat when Jesus is King? Of course they don’t agree, they all want to be first. But in reality, it is the […]
38. Who is Jesus?

Today, I really wanted to ask you a question that has been running through my head. Who do you think I am? Yes! Who I am to you?… Of course, I’m the radio host who introduces you to each of the programs “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, but what else…? A young person? Yes, that’s right! I […]
34. How can you reach your goal when you are very afraid?

If I tell you F.E.A.R., does that mean anything to you? Yes, FEAR! Fear, panic, you certainly have experienced it? Haven’t you? Have you ever been afraid? You know, sometimes because we are afraid we cannot do what we want to do, we can no longer move forward. We do not succeed in reaching our […]
15. How Jesus was as a child?

In our last story, we saw that wise men came from a distant land to worship baby Jesus. But the King of Israel, a cruel man sought to put him to death, so Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt and for some time, lived in that foreign land. They then, returned to Nazareth and it […]
14. They livre so far away… how to tell them?

Do you know what we did when our little girl was born? … Let me tell you. I immediately called the grandfathers, the grandmothers, the whole family because everyone was impatiently awaiting the birth, and then we wrote cute little cards, and sent photos. In short, we were so overjoyed that we just had to […]
12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]