55. Jesus and the children

Have you noticed what happens when you see a small child? We smile at him, we talk to him, we make compliments and sometimes even grimaces! Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Granny, brothers and sisters, the whole family goes out of their way to make him feel good, this little one. We prepare him good food suitable […]
20. Will this boy be healed?

Today we are going to talk about a boy who is sick. Yes it happens to everyone to be sick. Angina, bronchitis, fever! You have to stay in bed, miss school or an outing with friends … you know that! After a few good remedies you are back on your feet, and off you go! […]
10. Who will be the mother of the promised savior?

Keeping your promises, you agree, it’s important! In any case, God DOES hold them. He made a lot of promises, but there is one that particularly interests us. He had promised to send a savior to deliver us from our disobedience. We know that savior … is Jesus, his Son. But … Jesus, he was […]