76. Philippe and the African minister

There was a problem at school and the teacher asked the students what had happened. – I’ve seen it all, Madam, replies Lucas, I’ve heard it all. – So tell me what you know since you witnessed what happened. Quite so! Lucas is a witness. To be a witness is to say what you know, […]
48. The angels are in joy, why?

In our previous issue, we talked about angels. Paul and Leah asked Françoise questions concerning those who have rebelled against God, Satan and the demons, and those who serve God. One day Jesus talked to the crowd that surrounded him. He told a little story, a parable and he revealed what happens in heaven, what […]
30. Is Jesus attentive to those who suffer?

Do you remember: What filled Jesus with admiration? Yes, it’s the faith of a Roman officer. We listened to this story on our last talk. Jesus said: « I have never seen such great faith” and of course, he answered the prayer of this officer by healing his sick servant. Having faith in Jesus, believing in […]