64. A lesson that will not be forgotten

Are you going to school right now? Yes? No? You may be in vacation? One thing is certain, you continue to learn! Indeed! You go on learning all our life. There is always something new to discover. It is exciting! Do you know that Jesus’ disciples also went to school? Yes, their teacher, their teacher […]
46. Who will participate in this great party?

You certainly have friends and you like to be them. You invite them for your birthday; you want them all to be there on « D » day. There will also be your parents, your brothers and sisters, grandpas and grannies, well… everyone you love. Your mom bakes cakes, prepares drinks, you decorate the house and you […]
36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]
19. Where does this good wine come from?

Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael… that means something to you. Yes! These are the first four disciples of Jesus. In our last talk we saw how they met Jesus and how immediately they wanted to follow him. John the Baptist had told them: – Look, he is the Lamb of God, the promised savior. But for […]