63. Jesus in the temple

In our last talk, we spoke about the triumphal arrival of Jesus with the crowd of pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast. Today we find him in the temple where incredible things are happening that will make Him angry. Yes! You heard right, Jesus is going to get angry. But fortunately, other […]
62. A triumphal arrival

Have you seen any reports on the coronation of a king, or the visit of a head of state, of a president? The crowds come to cheer him. Journalists surround him. He arrives in a coach or a beautiful car, the red carpet is rolled out before him. He will make a speech and will […]
58. The man who hides

Through the stories of the gospel, we get to know Jesus better. We are now in the last week of his life on earth. It is time to go to Jerusalem for the Passover feast and Jesus has to go through Jericho. Jericho! Do you remember? There he healed a blind man. In today’s story, […]