67. Is he going to stand strong?

– I will never leave you! I will never give up on you! You can rely on me. I will always be there! Have you ever heard that? Maybe you’ve said it? We can think we are strong but it’s not an easy job. So, it’s a disappointment. We feel bad. Well, when it comes […]

67. Pierre renie Jésus

Jamais, je ne te laisserai ! Jamais, je ne t’abandonnerai ! Tu peux compter sur moi. Je serai toujours là ! As-tu déjà entendu ça ? Peut-être l’as-tu dit ? On peut se croire fort mais ce n’est pas gagné d’avance. Alors, c’est la déception. On se sent mal. Bon, quand ça concerne des petites […]

46. Who will participate in this great party?

You certainly have friends and you like to be them. You invite them for your birthday; you want them all to be there on “D” day. There will also be your parents, your brothers and sisters, grandpas and grannies, well… everyone you love. Your mom bakes cakes, prepares drinks, you decorate the house and you […]