53. El hombre que dijo “Gracias” a Jesús
¡Te propongo un pequeño acertijo! ¿Cuál es esa palabrita que a los niños se les enseña desde muy pequeños y que pronunciamos varias veces al día? ¿No lo has encontrado? Te doy una pista : cuando te olvides de decirla, te dicen “¡podrías decir…!”. Algunos la llaman la palabra mágica. ¿Te suena? G. R. A. […]
76. Philippe and the African minister
There was a problem at school and the teacher asked the students what had happened. – I’ve seen it all, Madam, replies Lucas, I’ve heard it all. – So tell me what you know since you witnessed what happened. Quite so! Lucas is a witness. To be a witness is to say what you know, […]
53. The man who says thanks to Jesus
Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told “where is the magic word? Does ring a […]