79. Will they all perish in this shipwreck?

We find the apostle Paul who has traveled thousands of kilometers to announce the Gospel. He went to Syria, Turkey, Greece, and now wicked men had him jailed. They want to sentence him to death. Paul, who is a Jew but also a roman citizen asks to be tried by the Emperor of Rome. Do […]
29. What filled Jesus with admiration?

I don’t know if you would have liked to live in Jesus’ time, in any case, those who followed him saw extraordinary miracles. They were amazed by the power of Jesus, his authority over sickness and even over nature. Do you remember that violent storm on the lake? The disciples were about to lose their […]
28. Have they forgotten Jesus?

“In life, there are… the good times and the bad ones!” Do you know that? I prefer the good ones but I have had some difficult times. Do you know this expression « the storms of life »? Ah! The storms of life are something other than the little worries! We are talking about really very difficult […]
05. Who made God? Who is He? Where is He?

In our first four talks “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, we saw that God is the origin of life. He created everything and everything He did was perfect. But Him… God, who made Him? What is he like? Where is He? These are questions we can ask ourselves. We will now provide some answers. I […]