77. The apostle Paul, who was he?

We have often spoken of the apostles, Matthew, Peter, John, James, but there is one we’ve never talked about. It is the apostle Paul. Do you know his story? Do you know how he became an apostle of Jesus? This is what we are going to tell you. Paul is his name in Latin, but […]

76. Philippe and the African minister

There was a problem at school and the teacher asked the students what had happened. – I’ve seen it all, Madam, replies Lucas, I’ve heard it all. – So tell me what you know since you witnessed what happened. Quite so! Lucas is a witness. To be a witness is to say what you know, […]

69. Why did Jesus die?

You have certainly seen in a museum, in a book, or in a church, a painting depicting Jesus on the cross. How did you react? The death of Jesus, what does this mean to you? What can this change in your life? These are questions to which we will answer. Pay close attention. In this […]

68. Why does he not defend himself ?

Listen to what happened to Yoan. – It’s not me, Dad! I assure you it’s not my fault! It’s not me! – I was told it’s you, you will be punished! – It’s not true. I’m telling you it’s not me! It’s not fair! Yoan is very angry. They are accusing him falsely. He defended […]

52. The resurrection of Lazarus

Do you remember Martha and Mary, these two sisters who so loved to receive Jesus in their house? While Martha was preparing food, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen to him. In this family there was also Lazarus, their brother; all three were close friends of Jesus and yet, one day, […]

45. What is the hypocrisy?

– You are a hypocrite! – Have you ever heard that expression? Usually whoever says that is very angry. But, what is hypocrisy? A mistake, a lie, a deception? – Do you think it is serious to be a hypocrite? Yes? No? Today we are going to see how Jesus reacted to hypocritical people. We […]

43. Walk in the day or at night

Imagine: It’s night; you have a walk in the forest on your own. You can take either a sandwich, either a compass or a torch? Which of these three items will you choose? The sandwich, compass or torch? It’s okay, did you make your choice? Okay! Me too! I take the torch; I do not […]

38. Who is Jesus?

Today, I really wanted to ask you a question that has been running through my head. Who do you think I am? Yes! Who I am to you?… Of course, I’m the radio host who introduces you to each of the programs “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, but what else…? A young person? Yes, that’s right! I […]

36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]

34. How can you reach your goal when you are very afraid?

If I tell you F.E.A.R., does that mean anything to you? Yes, FEAR! Fear, panic, you certainly have experienced it? Haven’t you? Have you ever been afraid? You know, sometimes because we are afraid we cannot do what we want to do, we can no longer move forward. We do not succeed in reaching our […]