10. Who will be the mother of the promised savior?

Keeping your promises, you agree, it’s important! In any case, God DOES hold them. He made a lot of promises, but there is one that particularly interests us. He had promised to send a savior to deliver us from our disobedience. We know that savior … is Jesus, his Son. But … Jesus, he was […]

11. Is everything ready for the birth of Jesus?

During our last show, we talked about the angel Gabriel announcing that God had chosen Mary to be the mother of Jesus. This baby was not just any baby, for He was the promised Savior, the Son of the greatest of all kings, the Son of God. Mary lived with Joseph in the small town […]

12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]

17. Who will be the strongest, Jesus or the devil?

On our last show, we talked about Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River. Speaking of this, what happened at the moment when Jesus came out of the water? Do you remember that Heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven was heard? This […]

18. Why do they want to follow Jesus?

You remember Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you know what happened next? Well! Jesus is going to leave his job as a carpenter to deal only with the business of God his Father because that is why he came from heaven. What does it mean, […]

28. Have they forgotten Jesus?

“In life, there are… the good times and the bad ones!” Do you know that? I prefer the good ones but I have had some difficult times. Do you know this expression “the storms of life”? Ah! The storms of life are something other than the little worries! We are talking about really very difficult […]

34. How can you reach your goal when you are very afraid?

If I tell you F.E.A.R., does that mean anything to you? Yes, FEAR! Fear, panic, you certainly have experienced it? Haven’t you? Have you ever been afraid? You know, sometimes because we are afraid we cannot do what we want to do, we can no longer move forward. We do not succeed in reaching our […]

36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]

38. Who is Jesus?

Today, I really wanted to ask you a question that has been running through my head. Who do you think I am? Yes! Who I am to you?… Of course, I’m the radio host who introduces you to each of the programs “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, but what else…? A young person? Yes, that’s right! I […]

43. Walk in the day or at night

Imagine: It’s night; you have a walk in the forest on your own. You can take either a sandwich, either a compass or a torch? Which of these three items will you choose? The sandwich, compass or torch? It’s okay, did you make your choice? Okay! Me too! I take the torch; I do not […]