03. The animals, how did they appear?

In our talks, we talk about the exciting stories of the Bible, of God, of the beginning of the universe. We saw how the world started, how God created the universe and the plants. Now that there is earth, air, water and all kinds of plants, everything is ready but… ready… for whom and for […]

05. Who made God? Who is He? Where is He?

In our first four talks “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, we saw that God is the origin of life. He created everything and everything He did was perfect. But Him… God, who made Him? What is he like? Where is He? These are questions we can ask ourselves. We will now provide some answers. I […]

32. Is my heart, like the land of a garden?

Today we are going to talk about earth, garden, seeds, and our heart. Why? Well, because in a little story he told Jesus compares our heart to earth, the earth of a garden for example. In the earth, and in your heart too, there will be all kinds of seeds, ideas, thoughts, as well as […]