07. ¿Por qué existe el mal?

Desde el inicio de nuestros programas, hemos visto cómo Dios creó el universo, así como al hombre y a la mujer, Adán y Eva. Cómo los puso en un hermoso jardín, el paraíso, donde vivían perfectamente felices. Pero ese paraíso… ¿dónde está hoy? Podemos preguntarnos. ¿Por qué tanta gente sufriendo, por qué la maldad, las […]
07. Why does evil exist?

From the start of our talks we have seen how God created the universe as well as man and woman, Adam and Eve. How he placed them in a beautiful garden where they lived in perfect bliss that was Heaven. But this paradise … where is it today? We can ask ourselves the question. Why […]
02. How did the universe come into being?

In our first story, we followed David leading his flock of sheep by the lush pastures and clear stream water, carrying the lambs, tending to those who were wounded and searching the ravines for the lost sheep. His voice echoed in the mountains, and he sang: « O God, You are my shepherd, I am your […]