72. The patience of Jesus for his disciples

For months the disciples, Matthew, John, Peter, Thomas, and the others, spent great times with Jesus. You remember all the miracles they saw. But the recent events have shaken them up a lot. The mood has changed, some are happy, others rather sad. One of them can’t believe what he’s told. Pierre is unhappy, he […]
78. La grande nappe qui descend du ciel

Attention ! Je vais te poser quelques questions. Es-tu prêt ? – Que font les premiers disciples de Jésus quand ils sont persécutés ? – Ils quittent Jérusalem ! – Est-ce qu’ils continuent de parler de Jésus ? – Oui ! Partout où ils vont, ils parlent aux Juifs. Seulement, aux Juifs ? Mais, ce […]
71. Believe, a little, a lot or not at all?

2000 years ago, there were neither magazines nor news on TV? So how did people come to learn the news, the current events? Well! Quite simply, everyone was saying what they knew. So imagine! During the feast of the Passover, in addition to the inhabitants of the city, there are had thousands of pilgrims in […]
77. L’apôtre Paul, qui était-il ?

Nous avons souvent parlé des apôtres, Matthieu, Pierre, Jean, Jacques, mais il y en a un dont nous n’avons jamais parlé. C’est l’apôtre Paul. Connais-tu son histoire ? Sais-tu comment il est devenu un apôtre de Jésus ? C’est ce que nous allons te raconter. Paul c’est son nom en latin, mais son nom juif […]
70. How will they react to this good news?

On our previous talk, we told you about the dramatic death of Jesus on the cross. Today you’ll find out what happens next, the announcement of some very good news. A victory! A very big victory! Listen carefully and you will see that people react in very different ways when they learn about it. There […]
69. Why did Jesus die?

You have certainly seen in a museum, in a book, or in a church, a painting depicting Jesus on the cross. How did you react? The death of Jesus, what does this mean to you? What can this change in your life? These are questions to which we will answer. Pay close attention. In this […]
68. Why does he not defend himself ?

Listen to what happened to Yoan. – It’s not me, Dad! I assure you it’s not my fault! It’s not me! – I was told it’s you, you will be punished! – It’s not true. I’m telling you it’s not me! It’s not fair! Yoan is very angry. They are accusing him falsely. He defended […]
74. Que s’est-il passé le jour de la pentecôte

Tout au long de nos émissions, nous avons suivi Jésus quand Il vivait sur la terre ainsi que les disciples, Philippe, Pierre, Thomas et les autres. Aujourd’hui, nous allons retrouver les disciples mais Jésus n’est plus avec eux, Il est retourné au ciel. Que font-ils maintenant ? Ont-ils pris les barques pour aller pêcher sur […]
67. Is he going to stand strong?

– I will never leave you! I will never give up on you! You can rely on me. I will always be there! Have you ever heard that? Maybe you’ve said it? We can think we are strong but it’s not an easy job. So, it’s a disappointment. We feel bad. Well, when it comes […]
73. L’ascension de Jésus

Quand j’étais enfant, il y a quelqu’un que j’aurais voulu voir. Je disais à mes parents : «Ils ont eu de la chance les disciples, ils ont vu Jésus ! Moi aussi, je voudrais Le voir. » Mais, ce n’est pas possible ! En fait, les disciples ne L’ont pas vu très longtemps. Sais-tu combien […]