38. Qui est donc Jésus ?

Aujourd’hui, j’ai bien envie de te poser une question qui me trotte dans la tête. Pour toi, qui est Benji ? Ah ! Ah ! Oui ! Benji, c’est qui pour toi ?… Bien sûr, c’est moi Benji, l’animateur radio qui te présente chacune des émissions 1, 2, 3 Raconte, mais encore…? Un homme jeune. […]
38. Who is Jesus?

Today, I really wanted to ask you a question that has been running through my head. Who do you think I am? Yes! Who I am to you?… Of course, I’m the radio host who introduces you to each of the programs “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, but what else…? A young person? Yes, that’s right! I […]
19. Mais d’où vient ce bon vin ?

André, Pierre, Philippe, Nathanaël… ça vous dit quelque chose. Oui ! Ce sont les quatre premiers disciples de Jésus. Dans notre dernière émission, nous avons vu comment ils ont rencontré Jésus et comment, tout de suite, ils ont voulu Le suivre. Jean Baptiste leur avait dit : – Regardez, c’est lui, l’Agneau de Dieu, le […]
19. Where does this good wine come from?

Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael… that means something to you. Yes! These are the first four disciples of Jesus. In our last talk we saw how they met Jesus and how immediately they wanted to follow him. John the Baptist had told them: – Look, he is the Lamb of God, the promised savior. But for […]
18. Why do they want to follow Jesus?

You remember Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you know what happened next? Well! Jesus is going to leave his job as a carpenter to deal only with the business of God his Father because that is why he came from heaven. What does it mean, […]
15. How Jesus was as a child?

In our last story, we saw that wise men came from a distant land to worship baby Jesus. But the King of Israel, a cruel man sought to put him to death, so Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt and for some time, lived in that foreign land. They then, returned to Nazareth and it […]
15. Jésus… comment était-il quand il était enfant ?

Nous avons vu dans notre dernière histoire, que des mages sont venus d’un pays lointain pour adorer le petit enfant Jésus. Mais le roi d’Israël, un homme cruel a cherché à le faire mourir, alors Joseph et Marie ont fui en Egypte et pendant quelque temps ils ont habité dans ce pays étranger. Ils sont […]
14. They livre so far away… how to tell them?

Do you know what we did when our little girl was born? … Let me tell you. I immediately called the grandfathers, the grandmothers, the whole family because everyone was impatiently awaiting the birth, and then we wrote cute little cards, and sent photos. In short, we were so overjoyed that we just had to […]
13. How do they find out that the baby is born?

Let’s see… how do you do when you have good news to share, like you managed to do something you couldn’t do? You write a letter or you phone, you send an SMS, or an email, and presto! Let’s go! You say it by jumping, singing or very softly in your ear. Finally you manage […]
13. Comment apprendront-ils que le bébé est né ?

Voyons… comment fais-tu quand tu as une bonne nouvelle à annoncer, par exemple tu as réussi à faire quelque chose que tu ne pouvais pas faire ? Tu écris une lettre ou tu téléphones, tu envoies un SMS, ou un email, et hop ! c’est parti ! Tu le dis en sautant, en chantant ou […]