79. Will they all perish in this shipwreck?

We find the apostle Paul who has traveled thousands of kilometers to announce the Gospel. He went to Syria, Turkey, Greece, and now wicked men had him jailed. They want to sentence him to death. Paul, who is a Jew but also a roman citizen asks to be tried by the Emperor of Rome. Do […]

56. How to get to heaven?

Today we are going to meet a young man who comes to Jesus with a very important question. He wants to know how to deserve a place in heaven. It’s rather interesting, isn’t it? He thinks he’s doing everything right but let’s see what Jesus replies to him. You will find this account in chapter […]

39. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of God?

Today we will meet the disciples; they are arguing. What are they arguing about? To find out who is the greatest among them. Is it Peter, James, John? Who will have the best seat when Jesus is King? Of course they don’t agree, they all want to be first. But in reality, it is the […]

36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]

25. How should we pray?

Today we are going to talk about prayer. Have you ever seen people pray? Some pray often, while others never pray. But, what is « praying »? It is talking to God; a little like when you phone a friend. You can’t see him but you know that he can hear you. Recently a child told me: […]

22. What is important to Jesus?

If I ask you how your day was yesterday, you might say: – What a strange question? Absolutely, it is likely that there was little difference between today and yesterday no big changes, or big surprises. We are going to look at a typical day in the life of Jesus when He was on earth. […]

21. Will Peter continue his trade as a fisherman?

This is our second talk “1,2,3 STORY TIME”, our special program for you kids but also for adults, because the Gospel is good news for everyone. Yes for all! Do you know what Jesus was saying? – Come, come to me, come all, even you who are tired, sick, I will relieve you, come because […]

20. Will this boy be healed?

Today we are going to talk about a boy who is sick. Yes it happens to everyone to be sick. Angina, bronchitis, fever! You have to stay in bed, miss school or an outing with friends … you know that! After a few good remedies you are back on your feet, and off you go! […]

09. Does God keep his promises?

Today we are going to talk about promises. Has anyone ever made a promise to you? I suppose so! And you, have you already done so? Certainly! We’ve all done it, and I don’t know if you’re like me, but I like people to keep the promise that they made to me. Something promised is […]

05. Who made God? Who is He? Where is He?

In our first four talks “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, we saw that God is the origin of life. He created everything and everything He did was perfect. But Him… God, who made Him? What is he like? Where is He? These are questions we can ask ourselves. We will now provide some answers. I […]