54. Praying without getting discouraged

Lately, Yanis’ parents met his teacher. – Yanis has made good progress, he told them, but this term he is becoming lax about his work, he needs to resume his efforts! Do you understand what that means? It started well, but there are friends, games, mockery, screens and the results of his work that have […]

54. Prier sans se décourager

Dernièrement, les parents de Yanis ont rencontré son professeur. – Yanis a bien progressé, leur a-t-il dit, mais ce trimestre, il s’est relâché, il faut qu’il se ressaisisse ! Tu comprends ce que cela veut dire ? Il a bien commencé, mais il y a les copains, les jeux, les moqueries, les écrans et les […]

62. A triumphal arrival

Have you seen any reports on the coronation of a king, or the visit of a head of state, of a president? The crowds come to cheer him. Journalists surround him. He arrives in a coach or a beautiful car, the red carpet is rolled out before him. He will make a speech and will […]

80. What is heaven, God’s home, like?

Lucas and Mia’s dad has just returned from a great trip. – What was it like? Said Lucas – It was beautiful, replies the dad. – Tell us what you saw? Mia says impatiently. Tell me, come on! Tell us! – It’s not easy because it’s completely different from what you know but I’m going […]