42. The rebel child

Do you remember that I promised you the story of a rebellious child who turned his back on his dad? After much difficulty, he decides to come back, but will his father welcome him? Will he accept him despite all the suffering he caused him? Will he forgive him? This is what we’re going to […]
30. Is Jesus attentive to those who suffer?

Do you remember: What filled Jesus with admiration? Yes, it’s the faith of a Roman officer. We listened to this story on our last talk. Jesus said: « I have never seen such great faith” and of course, he answered the prayer of this officer by healing his sick servant. Having faith in Jesus, believing in […]
20. Will this boy be healed?

Today we are going to talk about a boy who is sick. Yes it happens to everyone to be sick. Angina, bronchitis, fever! You have to stay in bed, miss school or an outing with friends … you know that! After a few good remedies you are back on your feet, and off you go! […]
08. How to return to God?

We talked about creation and we saw how Adam and Eve lived happily with God but also how they disobeyed him, preferring to obey the devil. Since that day, misfortune has come on earth, evil has entered the hearts of all men and there is a separation between God and men. We may wonder how […]