71. Croire, un peu, beaucoup ou pas du tout

Il y a 2000 ans, il n’y avait ni les magazines, ni le journal télévisé ? Alors comment faire connaître les nouvelles, les actualités ? Eh bien ! Tout simplement, chacun racontait ce qu’il savait. Alors, imagine ! Pendant la fête de la Pâque, en plus des habitants de la ville, il y avait des […]

62. A triumphal arrival

Have you seen any reports on the coronation of a king, or the visit of a head of state, of a president? The crowds come to cheer him. Journalists surround him. He arrives in a coach or a beautiful car, the red carpet is rolled out before him. He will make a speech and will […]

61. The perfume of Marie

  Today is our 61st broadcast “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, for you children but also for our relatives and friends. We are going to find Jesus with his friends, people he has healed, people he has blessed. They are going to thank him each in their own way. A woman has chosen to give […]

64. La leçon d’humilité

Est-ce que tu vas à l’école ou au collège en ce moment ? Oui ? Non ? Tu es peut-être en vacances ? Une chose est sûre, tu continues d’apprendre ! Eh oui ! Toute la vie on apprend. Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir. C’est passionnant ! Sais-tu que les […]

56. How to get to heaven?

Today we are going to meet a young man who comes to Jesus with a very important question. He wants to know how to deserve a place in heaven. It’s rather interesting, isn’t it? He thinks he’s doing everything right but let’s see what Jesus replies to him. You will find this account in chapter […]

62. Une arrivée triomphale

As-tu vu des reportages sur le couronnement d’un roi, ou le déplacement d’un chef d’état, d’un président ? Les foules viennent l’acclamer. Les journalistes l’entourent. Il arrive dans un carrosse ou une magnifique voiture, on sort le tapis rouge. Il fera un discours et assistera à un banquet entouré de tous les notables et les […]

61. Un cadeau pour Jésus

Nous allons retrouver Jésus avec ses amis, des gens qu’Il a guéris, qu’Il a bénis. Ils vont Lui dire merci chacun à sa manière. Une femme a choisi de Lui offrir ce qu’elle a de plus précieux, tout son trésor. Alors, sans tarder, écoutons Françoise qui va nous raconter cette histoire que tu retrouveras dans […]

53. The man who says thanks to Jesus

Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told « where is the magic word? Does ring a […]

52. The resurrection of Lazarus

Do you remember Martha and Mary, these two sisters who so loved to receive Jesus in their house? While Martha was preparing food, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen to him. In this family there was also Lazarus, their brother; all three were close friends of Jesus and yet, one day, […]

50. Mary wants to listen to Jesus

Lately disturbing things have taken place in Noa and Alicia’s middle school. They have decided to tell their parents about it. – Dad is home, so much the better! Said Noa to himself, we’re going to be able to tell him, I would like to know what he thinks about it. But before they had […]