19. Mais d’où vient ce bon vin ?

André, Pierre, Philippe, Nathanaël… ça vous dit quelque chose. Oui ! Ce sont les quatre premiers disciples de Jésus. Dans notre dernière émission, nous avons vu comment ils ont rencontré Jésus et comment, tout de suite, ils ont voulu Le suivre. Jean Baptiste leur avait dit : – Regardez, c’est lui, l’Agneau de Dieu, le […]

19. Where does this good wine come from?

Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael… that means something to you. Yes! These are the first four disciples of Jesus. In our last talk we saw how they met Jesus and how immediately they wanted to follow him. John the Baptist had told them: – Look, he is the Lamb of God, the promised savior. But for […]

23. Cet homme osera-t-il s’approcher de Jésus ?

Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler d’amis ; en as-tu, toi, des amis ? Certainement ! C’est important, d’avoir des copains et encore plus d’avoir des amis. Sinon on se sent seul et c’est triste. On peut compter sur ses amis, partager avec eux ses jeux, ses joies, ses soucis. Ça fait du bien. Et toi, es-tu […]

23. Will this man dare to come to Jesus?

Today, we’re going to talk about friends; do you have any friends? Certainly! It’s important to have friends and even more important to have good friends. If not. You feel lonely and it’s sad. You can count on your friends; share your games with them, your joys and your worries. It makes us feel good. […]

36. Who brought a disabled man to Jesus?

The other day, I saw two children talking: – It’s too bad! said the first, I did not know! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come too, you should have come get me. Why didn’t you take me with you? Couldn’t you take me to see him? – But, I didn’t think about […]

37. Live in the dark or in the light

The shows, the big games, the parades, you like it, when there is a lot of people, the noise, flashes of lights of all colors. Do you also like those times when you are with someone you particularly appreciate, your father, your mother, your sister? It feels good; it looks like time has stood still. […]

37. Vivre dans l’obscurité ou dans la lumière

Les spectacles, les grands matchs, les défilés, tu aimes ça, quand il y a beaucoup de monde, du bruit, des flashs de lumières de toutes les couleurs. Aimes-tu aussi ces moments où tu es avec quelqu’un que tu apprécies particulièrement, ton père, ta mère, ta sœur ? On se sent bien, on dirait que le […]

48. The angels are in joy, why?

In our previous issue, we talked about angels. Paul and Leah asked Françoise questions concerning those who have rebelled against God, Satan and the demons, and those who serve God. One day Jesus talked to the crowd that surrounded him. He told a little story, a parable and he revealed what happens in heaven, what […]

50. Marie veut écouter Jésus

Dernièrement, des choses inquiétantes ont eu lieu dans le collège de Noa et Alicia. Ils ont décidé d’en parler à leurs parents. – Papa est rentré, tant mieux ! se disait Noa, on va pouvoir lui dire, je voudrais savoir ce qu’il en pense. Mais avant qu’ils n’aient eu le temps d’ouvrir la bouche – […]

50. Mary wants to listen to Jesus

Lately disturbing things have taken place in Noa and Alicia’s middle school. They have decided to tell their parents about it. – Dad is home, so much the better! Said Noa to himself, we’re going to be able to tell him, I would like to know what he thinks about it. But before they had […]