75. A lame man who jumps for joy

On Ascension Day, you may not be going to school because it is a public holiday in many countries, but what happened that day? Do you remember? Jesus returned to heaven; that’s why we can’t see Him. But do you know He continues to act? He hasn’t changed: what He did when He was on […]
74. What happened on pentecost day?

Throughout our talks, we have followed Jesus when He lived on earth as well as the disciples, Philip, Peter, Thomas and the others. Today we will find the disciples again but Jesus is no longer with them, he has returned to heaven. What are they doing now? Have they taken the boats to go fishing […]
59. The return of Jesus

Do you like knowing in advance what is going to happen? Certainly! You can prepare yourself rejoice or be worried, be afraid. In short, we are all a little the same, we are curious and some times, we so much want to know, we insist. – Tell me, tell me…! Regarding our future, it’s different. […]
43. Walk in the day or at night

Imagine: It’s night; you have a walk in the forest on your own. You can take either a sandwich, either a compass or a torch? Which of these three items will you choose? The sandwich, compass or torch? It’s okay, did you make your choice? Okay! Me too! I take the torch; I do not […]
18. Why do they want to follow Jesus?

You remember Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you know what happened next? Well! Jesus is going to leave his job as a carpenter to deal only with the business of God his Father because that is why he came from heaven. What does it mean, […]
14. They livre so far away… how to tell them?

Do you know what we did when our little girl was born? … Let me tell you. I immediately called the grandfathers, the grandmothers, the whole family because everyone was impatiently awaiting the birth, and then we wrote cute little cards, and sent photos. In short, we were so overjoyed that we just had to […]
12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]
09. Does God keep his promises?

Today we are going to talk about promises. Has anyone ever made a promise to you? I suppose so! And you, have you already done so? Certainly! We’ve all done it, and I don’t know if you’re like me, but I like people to keep the promise that they made to me. Something promised is […]