61. The perfume of Marie

Today is our 61st broadcast “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, for you children but also for our relatives and friends. We are going to find Jesus with his friends, people he has healed, people he has blessed. They are going to thank him each in their own way. A woman has chosen to give […]
67. Pierre renie Jésus

Jamais, je ne te laisserai ! Jamais, je ne t’abandonnerai ! Tu peux compter sur moi. Je serai toujours là ! As-tu déjà entendu ça ? Peut-être l’as-tu dit ? On peut se croire fort mais ce n’est pas gagné d’avance. Alors, c’est la déception. On se sent mal. Bon, quand ça concerne des petites […]
59. The return of Jesus

Do you like knowing in advance what is going to happen? Certainly! You can prepare yourself rejoice or be worried, be afraid. In short, we are all a little the same, we are curious and some times, we so much want to know, we insist. – Tell me, tell me…! Regarding our future, it’s different. […]
66. Jésus dans le jardin de Gethsémané

Est-ce que tu as déjà prié Dieu ? Oui ? Non ? Pour ma part, je le fais souvent et particulièrement quand je passe par des moments difficiles. Crois-tu que l’on pourrait compter les personnes qui ont prié aujourd’hui ? Non, bien sûr ! Ce sont des millions et des millions de gens qui Le […]
65. La dernière pâque de Jésus

Nous allons retrouver Jésus et ses disciples qui sont réunis pour le repas de la fête de Pâque. Tout est prêt et ça sent bon l’agneau rôti. Mais sais-tu pourquoi les Juifs font une fête à Pâque ? Nous sommes loin des poules et des lapins en chocolat que tu connais. Tu ne le sais […]
56. How to get to heaven?

Today we are going to meet a young man who comes to Jesus with a very important question. He wants to know how to deserve a place in heaven. It’s rather interesting, isn’t it? He thinks he’s doing everything right but let’s see what Jesus replies to him. You will find this account in chapter […]
55. Jesus and the children

Have you noticed what happens when you see a small child? We smile at him, we talk to him, we make compliments and sometimes even grimaces! Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Granny, brothers and sisters, the whole family goes out of their way to make him feel good, this little one. We prepare him good food suitable […]
62. Une arrivée triomphale

As-tu vu des reportages sur le couronnement d’un roi, ou le déplacement d’un chef d’état, d’un président ? Les foules viennent l’acclamer. Les journalistes l’entourent. Il arrive dans un carrosse ou une magnifique voiture, on sort le tapis rouge. Il fera un discours et assistera à un banquet entouré de tous les notables et les […]
54. Praying without getting discouraged

Lately, Yanis’ parents met his teacher. – Yanis has made good progress, he told them, but this term he is becoming lax about his work, he needs to resume his efforts! Do you understand what that means? It started well, but there are friends, games, mockery, screens and the results of his work that have […]
53. The man who says thanks to Jesus

Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told « where is the magic word? Does ring a […]