72. The patience of Jesus for his disciples

For months the disciples, Matthew, John, Peter, Thomas, and the others, spent great times with Jesus. You remember all the miracles they saw. But the recent events have shaken them up a lot. The mood has changed, some are happy, others rather sad. One of them can’t believe what he’s told. Pierre is unhappy, he […]

73. L’ascension de Jésus

Quand j’étais enfant, il y a quelqu’un que j’aurais voulu voir. Je disais à mes parents : «Ils ont eu de la chance les disciples, ils ont vu Jésus ! Moi aussi, je voudrais Le voir. » Mais, ce n’est pas possible ! En fait, les disciples ne L’ont pas vu très longtemps. Sais-tu combien […]

73. The ascension of Jesus

When I was a kid, there was someone I would have liked to see. I used to say to my parents: “They were lucky the disciples, they saw Jesus! I would like to see Him too.” But, It is not possible! In fact, the disciples didn’t see Him for very long. Do you know how […]

74. What happened on pentecost day?

Throughout our talks, we have followed Jesus when He lived on earth as well as the disciples, Philip, Peter, Thomas and the others. Today we will find the disciples again but Jesus is no longer with them, he has returned to heaven. What are they doing now? Have they taken the boats to go fishing […]

75. A lame man who jumps for joy

On Ascension Day, you may not be going to school because it is a public holiday in many countries, but what happened that day? Do you remember? Jesus returned to heaven; that’s why we can’t see Him. But do you know He continues to act? He hasn’t changed: what He did when He was on […]

75. Un boiteux qui saute de joie

Le jour de l’Ascension, tu ne vas peut-être pas à l’école parce que c’est un jour férié dans beaucoup de pays, mais que s’est-il passé ce jour-là ? T’en souviens-tu ? Jésus est retourné au ciel ; c’est pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas Le voir. Mais sais-tu qu’Il continue d’agir ? Il n’a pas changé, […]

76. Philippe and the African minister

There was a problem at school and the teacher asked the students what had happened. – I’ve seen it all, Madam, replies Lucas, I’ve heard it all. – So tell me what you know since you witnessed what happened. Quite so! Lucas is a witness. To be a witness is to say what you know, […]

77. The apostle Paul, who was he?

We have often spoken of the apostles, Matthew, Peter, John, James, but there is one we’ve never talked about. It is the apostle Paul. Do you know his story? Do you know how he became an apostle of Jesus? This is what we are going to tell you. Paul is his name in Latin, but […]

78. The big tablecloth coming down from the sky

Watch out! I am going to ask you a few questions. Are you ready? – What did the first disciples of Jesus do when they were persecuted? – They are leaving Jerusalem! – Do they keep talking about Jesus? Yes! Everywhere they go, they talk to the Jews. Only the Jews? But, this is not […]