78. The big tablecloth coming down from the sky

Watch out! I am going to ask you a few questions. Are you ready? – What did the first disciples of Jesus do when they were persecuted? – They are leaving Jerusalem! – Do they keep talking about Jesus? Yes! Everywhere they go, they talk to the Jews. Only the Jews? But, this is not […]
65. The last Passover of Jesus

We are going to find Jesus and his disciples who are gathered for the feast of Passover. Everything is ready and it smells like roast lamb. But do you know why the Jews have a Passover feast? We are far from the chickens and chocolate bunnies you know. You might not know, so I’ll tell […]
64. A lesson that will not be forgotten

Are you going to school right now? Yes? No? You may be in vacation? One thing is certain, you continue to learn! Indeed! You go on learning all our life. There is always something new to discover. It is exciting! Do you know that Jesus’ disciples also went to school? Yes, their teacher, their teacher […]
61. The perfume of Marie

Today is our 61st broadcast “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, for you children but also for our relatives and friends. We are going to find Jesus with his friends, people he has healed, people he has blessed. They are going to thank him each in their own way. A woman has chosen to give […]
60. The parable of talents

Our previous talk was about the return of Jesus. Maybe you are you wondering when this is going to happen, in a year, two years, more, less… We cannot know it since Jesus did not say it. However, He told a little story, a parable, that we are going to discover now and that you […]
59. The return of Jesus

Do you like knowing in advance what is going to happen? Certainly! You can prepare yourself rejoice or be worried, be afraid. In short, we are all a little the same, we are curious and some times, we so much want to know, we insist. – Tell me, tell me…! Regarding our future, it’s different. […]
56. How to get to heaven?

Today we are going to meet a young man who comes to Jesus with a very important question. He wants to know how to deserve a place in heaven. It’s rather interesting, isn’t it? He thinks he’s doing everything right but let’s see what Jesus replies to him. You will find this account in chapter […]
53. The man who says thanks to Jesus

Let me offer you a little riddle! What is this little word that we teach children from their earliest age and that you say several times a day? Haven’t you found it? Here, I’m giving you a clue: when you forget to say it, you are told « where is the magic word? Does ring a […]
52. The resurrection of Lazarus

Do you remember Martha and Mary, these two sisters who so loved to receive Jesus in their house? While Martha was preparing food, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen to him. In this family there was also Lazarus, their brother; all three were close friends of Jesus and yet, one day, […]
51. Forgiving

Today we are going to talk about forgiveness. You have already had the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from your father, your mother, or your friend and you were glad they forgave you and forgot what had happened. Now let’s say it’s a friend of yours who did something wrong towards you. You have a […]