78. The big tablecloth coming down from the sky

Watch out! I am going to ask you a few questions. Are you ready? – What did the first disciples of Jesus do when they were persecuted? – They are leaving Jerusalem! – Do they keep talking about Jesus? Yes! Everywhere they go, they talk to the Jews. Only the Jews? But, this is not […]
77. The apostle Paul, who was he?

We have often spoken of the apostles, Matthew, Peter, John, James, but there is one we’ve never talked about. It is the apostle Paul. Do you know his story? Do you know how he became an apostle of Jesus? This is what we are going to tell you. Paul is his name in Latin, but […]
75. A lame man who jumps for joy

On Ascension Day, you may not be going to school because it is a public holiday in many countries, but what happened that day? Do you remember? Jesus returned to heaven; that’s why we can’t see Him. But do you know He continues to act? He hasn’t changed: what He did when He was on […]
74. What happened on pentecost day?

Throughout our talks, we have followed Jesus when He lived on earth as well as the disciples, Philip, Peter, Thomas and the others. Today we will find the disciples again but Jesus is no longer with them, he has returned to heaven. What are they doing now? Have they taken the boats to go fishing […]
73. The ascension of Jesus

When I was a kid, there was someone I would have liked to see. I used to say to my parents: “They were lucky the disciples, they saw Jesus! I would like to see Him too.” But, It is not possible! In fact, the disciples didn’t see Him for very long. Do you know how […]
71. Believe, a little, a lot or not at all?

2000 years ago, there were neither magazines nor news on TV? So how did people come to learn the news, the current events? Well! Quite simply, everyone was saying what they knew. So imagine! During the feast of the Passover, in addition to the inhabitants of the city, there are had thousands of pilgrims in […]
77. L’apôtre Paul, qui était-il ?

Nous avons souvent parlé des apôtres, Matthieu, Pierre, Jean, Jacques, mais il y en a un dont nous n’avons jamais parlé. C’est l’apôtre Paul. Connais-tu son histoire ? Sais-tu comment il est devenu un apôtre de Jésus ? C’est ce que nous allons te raconter. Paul c’est son nom en latin, mais son nom juif […]
76. Philippe et le ministre africain

Il y a eu un problème à l’école et la maitresse a demandé aux élèves ce qui s’est passé. – J’ai tout vu, moi, Madame, répond Lucas, j’ai tout entendu. – Alors, dis-moi ce que tu sais puisque tu as été témoin de ce qui est arrivé. Eh oui ! Lucas est un témoin. Etre […]
69. Why did Jesus die?

You have certainly seen in a museum, in a book, or in a church, a painting depicting Jesus on the cross. How did you react? The death of Jesus, what does this mean to you? What can this change in your life? These are questions to which we will answer. Pay close attention. In this […]
75. Un boiteux qui saute de joie

Le jour de l’Ascension, tu ne vas peut-être pas à l’école parce que c’est un jour férié dans beaucoup de pays, mais que s’est-il passé ce jour-là ? T’en souviens-tu ? Jésus est retourné au ciel ; c’est pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas Le voir. Mais sais-tu qu’Il continue d’agir ? Il n’a pas changé, […]