74. Que s’est-il passé le jour de la pentecôte

Tout au long de nos émissions, nous avons suivi Jésus quand Il vivait sur la terre ainsi que les disciples, Philippe, Pierre, Thomas et les autres. Aujourd’hui, nous allons retrouver les disciples mais Jésus n’est plus avec eux, Il est retourné au ciel. Que font-ils maintenant ? Ont-ils pris les barques pour aller pêcher sur […]
73. L’ascension de Jésus

Quand j’étais enfant, il y a quelqu’un que j’aurais voulu voir. Je disais à mes parents : «Ils ont eu de la chance les disciples, ils ont vu Jésus ! Moi aussi, je voudrais Le voir. » Mais, ce n’est pas possible ! En fait, les disciples ne L’ont pas vu très longtemps. Sais-tu combien […]
71. Croire, un peu, beaucoup ou pas du tout

Il y a 2000 ans, il n’y avait ni les magazines, ni le journal télévisé ? Alors comment faire connaître les nouvelles, les actualités ? Eh bien ! Tout simplement, chacun racontait ce qu’il savait. Alors, imagine ! Pendant la fête de la Pâque, en plus des habitants de la ville, il y avait des […]
64. A lesson that will not be forgotten

Are you going to school right now? Yes? No? You may be in vacation? One thing is certain, you continue to learn! Indeed! You go on learning all our life. There is always something new to discover. It is exciting! Do you know that Jesus’ disciples also went to school? Yes, their teacher, their teacher […]
69. Pourquoi Jésus est-il mort ?

Bonjour les garçons, bonjour les filles, Bonjour les parents et tous les amis, Aujourd’hui, c’est notre 69ème émission 1,2,3Raconte, pour vous les enfants mais aussi pour les parents et les amis. Tu as certainement vu dans un musée, dans un livre, ou dans une église, un tableau représentant Jésus sur la croix. Comment as-tu réagi […]
62. A triumphal arrival

Have you seen any reports on the coronation of a king, or the visit of a head of state, of a president? The crowds come to cheer him. Journalists surround him. He arrives in a coach or a beautiful car, the red carpet is rolled out before him. He will make a speech and will […]
61. The perfume of Marie

Today is our 61st broadcast “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, for you children but also for our relatives and friends. We are going to find Jesus with his friends, people he has healed, people he has blessed. They are going to thank him each in their own way. A woman has chosen to give […]
59. The return of Jesus

Do you like knowing in advance what is going to happen? Certainly! You can prepare yourself rejoice or be worried, be afraid. In short, we are all a little the same, we are curious and some times, we so much want to know, we insist. – Tell me, tell me…! Regarding our future, it’s different. […]
58. The man who hides

Through the stories of the gospel, we get to know Jesus better. We are now in the last week of his life on earth. It is time to go to Jerusalem for the Passover feast and Jesus has to go through Jericho. Jericho! Do you remember? There he healed a blind man. In today’s story, […]
57. Jericho, the city of palm trees

Have you ever heard of the city of palm trees, one of the oldest cities in the world? Today’s history will take us there. Imagine a city in the middle of the desert. After an exhausting journey in a dry landscape, arid, under an overwhelming heat, the travelers discover a pretty city in a green […]