73. The ascension of Jesus

When I was a kid, there was someone I would have liked to see. I used to say to my parents: “They were lucky the disciples, they saw Jesus! I would like to see Him too.” But, It is not possible! In fact, the disciples didn’t see Him for very long. Do you know how […]
59. The return of Jesus

Do you like knowing in advance what is going to happen? Certainly! You can prepare yourself rejoice or be worried, be afraid. In short, we are all a little the same, we are curious and some times, we so much want to know, we insist. – Tell me, tell me…! Regarding our future, it’s different. […]
49. What happens after death?

I don’t know if you’re like me but for a long time I wondered if hell really existed. When I was in school, we sometimes talked about it with boys and girls. There were some who said existed and others that it was a made-up story. In any case, me, I was scared, but […]
48. The angels are in joy, why?

In our previous issue, we talked about angels. Paul and Leah asked Françoise questions concerning those who have rebelled against God, Satan and the demons, and those who serve God. One day Jesus talked to the crowd that surrounded him. He told a little story, a parable and he revealed what happens in heaven, what […]
47. The angels

Today we have two visitors, Paul and Lea. They have come before but they have some more questions to ask Françoise. They want to know more about the angels. Do they really exist? Can we see them? Should we be afraid of the devil? We will find out all this while listening to them now. […]
25. How should we pray?

Today we are going to talk about prayer. Have you ever seen people pray? Some pray often, while others never pray. But, what is « praying »? It is talking to God; a little like when you phone a friend. You can’t see him but you know that he can hear you. Recently a child told me: […]
17. Who will be the strongest, Jesus or the devil?

On our last show, we talked about Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River. Speaking of this, what happened at the moment when Jesus came out of the water? Do you remember that Heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven was heard? This […]
13. How do they find out that the baby is born?

Let’s see… how do you do when you have good news to share, like you managed to do something you couldn’t do? You write a letter or you phone, you send an SMS, or an email, and presto! Let’s go! You say it by jumping, singing or very softly in your ear. Finally you manage […]
07. Why does evil exist?

From the start of our talks we have seen how God created the universe as well as man and woman, Adam and Eve. How he placed them in a beautiful garden where they lived in perfect bliss that was Heaven. But this paradise … where is it today? We can ask ourselves the question. Why […]