30. Is Jesus attentive to those who suffer?

Do you remember: What filled Jesus with admiration? Yes, it’s the faith of a Roman officer. We listened to this story on our last talk. Jesus said: « I have never seen such great faith” and of course, he answered the prayer of this officer by healing his sick servant. Having faith in Jesus, believing in […]
24. Can Jesus forgive sins?

In our programs, we share Gospel stories with you. How Jesus went through towns and villages to bless all those who came to Him. Today, we are going to talk about forgiveness, healing, sin and disobedience. Sin cannot be seen, but it is a little like an illness. It is not the body that is […]
20. Will this boy be healed?

Today we are going to talk about a boy who is sick. Yes it happens to everyone to be sick. Angina, bronchitis, fever! You have to stay in bed, miss school or an outing with friends … you know that! After a few good remedies you are back on your feet, and off you go! […]
13. How do they find out that the baby is born?

Let’s see… how do you do when you have good news to share, like you managed to do something you couldn’t do? You write a letter or you phone, you send an SMS, or an email, and presto! Let’s go! You say it by jumping, singing or very softly in your ear. Finally you manage […]
12. Who will be notified first?

Do you remember our last story? The birth of Jesus, the King of kings, in a stable. A royal event that no one knows, neither in Bethlehem, nor in Jerusalem, nor in Rome… anywhere in the world. But God wants men to learn of the happy event: He fulfilled what He promised. So it is […]
10. Who will be the mother of the promised savior?

Keeping your promises, you agree, it’s important! In any case, God DOES hold them. He made a lot of promises, but there is one that particularly interests us. He had promised to send a savior to deliver us from our disobedience. We know that savior … is Jesus, his Son. But … Jesus, he was […]
09. Does God keep his promises?

Today we are going to talk about promises. Has anyone ever made a promise to you? I suppose so! And you, have you already done so? Certainly! We’ve all done it, and I don’t know if you’re like me, but I like people to keep the promise that they made to me. Something promised is […]
06. Do I count for God?

We saw in our previous talks that God created nature, animals and people. He is the origin of life. But… creation is a long way off for us; it happened… a few thousand years ago, and since then there have been children and children, who have become adults who have had children and children, and […]
04. The first man and the first woman, how did they appear?

In our programs “1, 2, 3 STORY TIME”, we provide answers to the big questions you may ask yourself: How did the world begin? What is the origin of life? How did animals appear on earth? Who am I? How to know God? Today we will see where the first men came from? From a […]